On the Honey and the Beesting

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Druzim and the beach

Last night, i went to sleep at ten and slept for twelve hours. So the jet lag is gone, hopefully.

Today we (the parents, nancy, and arielle who we picked up from the dorms) went to a druze town where there is no cellphone reception; since it is at the top of the carmel, there were hundreds of celltowers there. People were getrting sick, so instead of thinking "hey, could it be because we all come from one family and intermarry (true story; everyone there is a Chalabi, or married to a Chalabi, and if they aren't related, they're probably just not looking far back enough), and our health care is substandard because the gvt doesn't care about us and possibly we shouldn't have open sewers running through the streets", they decided "hey, lets burn down the cell towers". Which is what they did, until the towers were finally officially removed , without resorting to matches.


Walked around. Tried to get my arabic bracelet translated, but the lovely old woman selling soda pop and other snacks didn't have her glasses on and so couldnt read it. And the guy selling the labaneh and laffa only read "bismillah, in the name of the prophets" out loud, read quietly to himself and says "it's very good things, from the koran, but why don't you have a bracelet from the tanach?".


I bought two pretty bags; the kind you swing over your shoulder but that pickpockets love because there's no zipper, which I have to get added as soon as I find a seamstress. Then back to saftas for lunch, and off to the beach, where I met some of ari's friends on the religious program at the university. We went for shawarma for dinner slash daddy and saftas birthday. And that's that.
Lilah tov to all,


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