On the Honey and the Beesting

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Commies...IN SPACE.....(cue dramatic music) Dum dum dummmmmmm

It's no wonder that the largest population of Chinese ex-pats currently live in Toronto, and not in, say, China.

This is because China sucks at life.

http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/space/10/18/china.space.future.ap/index.html, or CNN.com, if you can't check out the hyperlink, reports that China will "land an unmanned probe on the moon by 2010 and eventually send up an orbiting laboratory. China said last year it would launch a moon-orbiting satellite in 2006. The 2-ton Chang'e satellite would orbit at least a year and record three-dimensional images of the lunar surface...."

"around 2007 we will be able to achieve extravehicular activity by our astronauts and they will walk in space," he said at a news conference." (Tang Xianming, director of the China Space Engineering Office. )


Well, way to go China. You're only about fifty years too late.

I love how they justify spending billions of dollars on a venture that the US and Russia (even Russia!) already completed while most of the country is starving and can barely afford toilet paper.


You make good food, but when it comes to anything vaguely technological, leave it to Japan, or at the very least, Korea.

Why am I not asleep....
I'm getting right on that.


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